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Creating and maintaining a healthy dental routine is crucial, not only for maintaining a dazzling smile but also for preserving oral health.

Many dental patients unknowingly cultivate habits that might harm their dental health and appearance. Could this be you? Here are the some of the most common mistakes — take a look…

MISSTEP 1: Brushing Too Aggressively: Overzealous brushing can lead to gum recession and erosion of the exposed root surfaces. It’s essential to brush gently to avoid damaging gums or enamel​.

MISSTEP 2: Rinsing Immediately Post-Brushing: Sounds crazy, but rinsing with water right after brushing washes away fluoride from the toothpaste, which needs to sit on your teeth for at least two minutes to be effective​.

MISSTEP 3: Incorrect Use of Mouthwash: Similar to rinsing with water, swishing mouthwash immediately after brushing can wash away concentrated fluoride toothpaste left on your teeth — best to wait a couple minutes before proceeding​.

MISSTEP 4: Not Replacing Your Toothbrush Regularly: It’s hard to part with old friends, but over time, your trusty toothbrush can harbor bacteria, and their bristles wear out. It’s recommended to replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head every three months or after an illness​ — farewell old friend!

MISSTEP 5: Brushing Right After Eating: Brushing immediately after consuming acidic or sugary foods and drinks can actually spread acids around the mouth, accelerating enamel erosion​. Why not wait half an hour after eating, and then brush.

MISSTEP 6: Ignoring Healthy Diet & Healthy Living: Consuming foods high in sugary and acidic foods can erode tooth enamel and promote decay, creating a favorable environment for bacterial growth. Tobacco and alcohol also contribute to dental problems, causing staining and increasing the risk of oral cancer​. Best to get back on that healthy food wagon, and quit smoking and vaping.

MISSTEP 7: Storing Wet Toothbrush In A Closed Case: A wet toothbrush in a closed case is a breeding ground for bacteria — it’s essential to let your toothbrush air-dry completely before storing it​ in a dry case.

MISSTEP 8: Flossing After Brushing: Flossing should ideally be done before brushing to remove food particles and bacteria stuck between the teeth, which can then be brushed away​ more easily, rather than being spread around.

MISSTEP 9: Using Charcoal Or Baking Soda for Brushing: While charcoal-based products and baking soda may show short-term whitening results, they are extremely abrasive and can erode the protective layer of your teeth, causing long-term damage​​. Whoa!

MISSTEP 10: Over-Confidence In Your Veneers: Veneers can vastly improve your smile, but remember, live teeth are behind them. Maintain a healthy dental routine to preserve the natural teeth underneath​​ and your brilliant smile.

By understanding and avoiding these common missteps, individuals can significantly prolong their dental health and cosmetic appearance. Check in at your next appointment to answer any questions. See you then!

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